These are actual quotes from actual teenagers like you.
Their stories are as unique to each of them as your story is to you.
You’re trying to grow up and find your way in this world.
But maybe hard things keep getting in your way.

What if you could get through this hard thing?
What if you could find your way?
What if you can keep going?
What if you don’t quit?
What if you don’t give up?
It starts with believing in yourself.
Start believing in yourself.
Take charge.
Try again.
Begin again.
It can happen if you keep going.
When did you realize that you could rise
above your hard thing?
Share with teens who are still in the middle of it.
Read the stories of other teens and how they found their ways to get through challenges and tough life circumstances, discovering their inner strength to become who they want to be.
These are real stories about grit, honesty, perseverance, and resilience.
Everyone has their own story.
What is your story?

Dear Teen:
This is a CAN DO book. Life Tools and strategies are shown through the stories of real-life teens who have overcome challenges and uncovered their strength to reach their goals. Learn how to apply these Life Tools to your life and make plans that will move you forward successfully.
Take charge of what is in your control. Start with small actions to move forward. Begin today creating the life you want.
There are always possibilities and solutions. You are never alone. You've got this.