You make it.
You keep going.
You have what you need to get through hard things.
Believe in yourself.
Believe you will find your way.
You will have moments in life when you don’t believe in yourself-- that’s normal. Trust that it will pass.
You will go on. You will repeat this through your life. But with each hard thing, stick with it. You will keep becoming a better you.
You each have a story and your own journey. Travel it. It’s all adventure. It’s all learning.
Be present in your life. Celebrate the good times. Sit with the hard things. Breathe. Get back up agin. Keep trying. Create the life you want.
Always look for the small steps forward. They will move you closer to your goals.
Believe you will keep going-- and you will keep going.
You’ve survived 100% of each day of your life so far. You’ve made it through good days and hard days. Notice and celebrate your strengths to get through hard things. Small things or big things. Something you did helped you to keep going. Keep doing that.
You are not in this life to live alone. Ask for help along the way.
You have what you need within you and around you. Believe.
Now get out and live your life.